Ballroom Dancing as Blood Sport: All For A Good Cause

Ballroom Dancing as Blood Sport: All For A Good Cause

I’m sore. Everywhere. My calves hurt, my sides hurt, my neck hurts. I’ve discovered muscles I never knew existed, mostly because they never screamed at me before. I’m on especially bad terms with those back muscles that run just under your shoulder blades (“lats” for you bodybuilder types),  which Wikipedia describes as “responsible for extension, adduction, transverse extension, flexion from an...

Fools For Love, or There's No Crying In ChaCha

Fools For Love, or There's No Crying In ChaCha

Four weeks from ChaCha Humiliation. Six lessons, one hot song, a third of our number choreographed and I still feel like the world’s biggest goofball. My body has a mind of it’s own, and apparently it has a very low IQ. I hear Michael say “now rotate that right foot forward and turn your ribcage left” and what...