From Cozumel to the Carolinas, April in Paris to my birthday in Tupelo, I've logged a lot of miles this year, and we're barely halfway through 2017. I couldn't be happier! Ever since my beautiful fans and friends came together last summer to help me make "Old Friends, New Loves," I've been venturing back out on the road and having a blast. I call it the "Nekkid" Tour cause it's just me and my trusty companions, a shiny red Nord keyboard and my black graphite baby Martin guitar, playing small listening rooms and intimate house concerts for YOU, the Best. Fans. Ever! Highlights of 2017 so far? Sitting in with Rodney Crowell and Emmylou Harris on the Cayamo cruise, opening Peg Parham's new "Listen at Hush" series in Greensboro NC, reuniting onstage with some of my original bandmates for the CMA Fest's Forever Country concert and last weekend's Fulshear House Concert with special guest and my new gal pal Emily Robinson. At the moment I'm in Missoula Montana rehearsing for this weekend's performances of Tim Ryan's epic "Play Me Montana," featuring the Missoula Symphony, native Salish Indian dancers, and big-screen scenic mountain visuals. Tim and I have been friends for over 25 years and he's written a stunning collection of songs that I'm honored to get to sing.
Every day the news and social media bombard us with political turmoil, economic anxiety and shallow pop culture, and the picture painted looks pretty grim. But then I'll get to spend one evening in a small room with living breathing human beings, sharing songs and stories, laughing and crying and moving to the groove, and my heart is reminded - this is what we're really about: connecting, collaborating, communicating. Face to face with real people I see enough generosity, humor and faith to move all the mountains, and I'm grateful just to get some up close and personal time together. I leave every venue renewed and inspired!
I'm playing shows in the Atlanta area and in Wisconsin in July, at a festival in Ohio in August and the Big Barn Dance in Taos in September. Hope to see you at a show this year XOX